....But you know what inspired me? Watching Julie & Julia last night. After seeing Julie Powell write her blog, I became determined to keep a blog. So that being said....welcome to the world of 2010. It's a bit frightening to start a new year, wondering what it will bring.
Since the last time I wrote, I graduated college with an associates degree in business administration. Yay! It's exciting and disturbing to know that it's time for the bachelor's degree now. But in the meantime whilst I do the long, dreaded search for a university, I will be taking some extra courses this coming semester beginning the 19th of this month.
Last night, I watched one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen: Pride & Prejudice, the 2005 version with Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFayden. Wow. Their romance is the kind I've always dreamed of, believe it or not. They want to hate each other but are overwhelmed with love and compassion. Isn't love crazy? Theirs certainly is. I've seen the Lawrence Olivier version, and whilst I do love it (as Olivier is one of my favorite classic leading men), nothing beats the Mr. Darcy that is Mr. MacFayden. Is it normal that I find him charming in it? I know the character is one you're supposed to love to hate, but I cannot help it.
Friends are coming over very shortly, so I must bid everyone adieu for now. I'm going to try my best to keep this blog updated. I love blogging too much to let it go. Peace, love, and Mickey Mouse.
God Bless.